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Table 2 Specification of adaptive implementation strategy implementation approach

From: Obesity prevention practices in early care and education settings: an adaptive implementation trial








Non-responders get addition of HIGH INTENSITY


Obtain formal commitments

WISE facilitators & directors

Sign commitment after facilitators & directors discuss

Before educator training

One-time meeting

Address leadership buy-in

Identify & prepare local champions [53, 54]

Appointed champion at each site

Provide 2-h training on navigating WISE

Within 2 months of training

1 training: contacts monthly & on request

Address capacity for change & climate supportiveness

Develop implementation blueprint [55]

WISE staff with directors & champions

Provide target milestones & testimonials

With director before training

As desired

Give leaders tools to support change integration

Remind educators [56, 57]

Classroom cutting board

Provide visual reminder of EBPs

At WISE lessons

As desired

Provide timely reminders

Task- focused implementation facilitation [46, 47, 58, 59]

WISE facilitators, directors & champions

Provide support to directors & champions

Beginning 2 weeks after training


Provide practical & technical help to site leader & champion; task & goal focus [42]


Holistic individualized facilitation [46, 47, 58, 59]

WISE facilitators & educators

Provide in-person visits to directors, champions & educators

Beginning 2 weeks after training

Twice monthly; more upon request

Create and connect networks; holistic/ enabling focus on educators [42, 60]

Distribute tailored educational materials [61,62,63,64,65]

WISE facilitators, champions, & educators

Provide educators with tailored EBP education

Each quarter

Varies by educator (up to 8)

Address barriers of beliefs, knowledge and skills for EBPs

  1. Tailoring variable = classroom WISE fidelity observation in October
  2. Non-responders = sites with fewer than 60% of classrooms meeting fidelity for 3 of the 4 WISE EBPs