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Table 3 Implementation data for each component of the COME-ON intervention

From: Process evaluation of a complex intervention to optimize quality of prescribing in nursing homes (COME-ON study)

1. Blended training

 Participation rate in the blended training*, % (n)

71% (268/378)

 Participation rate in the blended training† per profession, % (n)

  Coordinating physicians

96% (23/24)

  General practitioners

47% (90/192)


87% (41/47)


99% (114/115)

 Participation rate in the e-learning course, % (n)

44% (166/378)

 Participation rate in the interdisciplinary workshops, % (n)

61% (232/378)

 Participation rate in both the e-learning course and the interdisciplinary workshops†, % (n)

34% (130/378)

 Number of participating HCPs per NH





2. Local interdisciplinary meetings

 Number of LIMs, n


 Proportion of NHs that organized two LIMs, % (n)

92% (22/24)

 Number of HCPs per LIM per NH





 Participation rate per profession, %

  Coordinating physicians

  General practitioners







 Proportion of LIMs with all 3 professions represented, % (n)

83% (38/46)‡

 Proportion of LIMs to which an expert was invited, % (n)

15% (7/46)

3. Interdisciplinary case conferences

 Number of ICCs per NHR





 Proportion of NHRs with no ICC, % (n)

15% (123/804)§

 Proportion of NHRs with at least 3 ICCs, % (n)

50% (403/804)

 Proportion of NHRs with at least 3 ICCs among NHRs who completed the study, % (n)

70% (391/557)

 Proportion of ICCs with all 3 HCPs present, % (n)

90% (1506/1675)

 Time for preparation, median (min–max)

  General practitioners

   Missing data


   Missing data


   Missing data

10 (2–15)

62% (978/1580)

15 (3–100)

45% (690/1537)

15 (3–200)

73% (1160/1597)

  1. HCP healthcare professional, ICC interdisciplinary case conference, LIM local interdisciplinary meetings, NH nursing home, NHR nursing home resident
  2. * Participants who completed at least one e-learning module and/or attended the interdisciplinary workshop
  3. † Participants who completed at least one e-learning module and attended the interdisciplinary workshop
  4. ‡ For 6 LIMs, the pharmacist was not present; for 4 LIMs, no GP was present. In 2 NHs, no GP attended either LIM
  5. § Most of these NHRs (n = 117) left the study, mainly because of death (n = 87)