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Table 5 Provider antenatal care knowledge and practice

From: Process evaluation of a social franchising model to improve maternal health: evidence from a multi-methods study in Uttar Pradesh, India


Provider survey (June 2016)

A. Provider ANC knowledge (index score, 61 items)

 Comparison of SkyHealth and other private AYUSH providers

  SkyHealth providers

0.53 (0.11)

  Private AYUSH (not SkyHealth) in intervention villages

0.35 (0.14)

  Private AYUSH in comparison villages

0.23 (0.15)

 Comparison of ASHAs in intervention and comparison districts

  ASHA in intervention districts

0.44 (0.10)

  ASHA in comparison districts

0.43 (0.14)

B. Provider ANC practice (index score, 9 items)

 Comparison of SkyHealth and other private AYUSH providers

  SkyHealth providers

0.66 (0.31)

  Private AYUSH (not SkyHealth) in intervention villages

0.26 (0.27)

  Private AYUSH in comparison villages

0.15 (0.25)

 Comparison of ASHAs in intervention and comparison districts

  ASHA in intervention districts

0.25 (0.25)

  ASHA in comparison districts

0.28 (0.24)

  1. Notes: Source of data is the health provider survey (round 2, June 2016). Data are mean (SD). We measured ANC knowledge of health providers across 61 questions (items). The response to each question was used to generate an overall score of knowledge, defined as the proportion of measured items answered correctly. Self-reported ANC practice was measured in the health provider survey by asking respondents to recall their last ANC consultation and what they did during the consultation. We aggregated responses to nine questions (items) to generate an overall score of ANC practice, defined as the proportion of measured items reported as practiced