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Table 1 Summary of variables included in analyses

From: The role of the outer setting in implementation: associations between state demographic, fiscal, and policy factors and use of evidence-based treatments in mental healthcare



Provision of specific EBTs (yes/no)

 Multisystemic therapy

Uniform Reporting System

 Therapeutic foster care

Uniform Reporting System

 Functional family therapy

Uniform Reporting System

 Supported employment

Uniform Reporting System

 Supported housing

Uniform Reporting System

 Assertive community treatment

Uniform Reporting System

State characteristics

 Geographic region (South, West, Midwest, Northeast)

US Census Bureau

 Number of adults and children

US Census Bureau

 Per capita income

US Department of Commerce

 Amount of budget surplus or deficit

Harvard Dataverse

 Controlling political party

Harvard Dataverse

 Medicaid expansion status (yes/no)

Kaiser Family Foundation

 Controlled per capita expenditures of the SMHA (in millions)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA directly operates community-based mental health programs or funds county or city mental health authorities which, in turn, fund local provider agencies to provide care (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA located within another state agency (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA director sit as a member of the Governor’s cabinet (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Research is located within the SMHA (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Research is located outside of the SMHA (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA promotes consumer/survivor participation in resource allocations at the SMHA level (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA has initiatives underway to work with other state government agencies to coordinate, reduce, or eliminate barriers between delivery systems and funding streams to the provision of appropriate mental health services (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Representatives from other state government agencies participate as members of SMHA’s mental health planning Council/Group (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Information functions located inside of SMHA (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Information functions located outside of SMHA (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA is involved in activities to downsize, reconfigure, close and/or consolidate one or more State mental hospitals (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

Policy supports to promote EBT adoption

 Modification of information systems and data reports is used to promote the adoption of EBPs (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Monitoring of fidelity is used to promote the adoption of EBPs (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA implemented or is it implementing a statewide client outcome monitoring system (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA conduct research/evaluations on client change in functioning (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Internal staff are used to provide on-going training to providers related to evidence-based practices (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Expert consultants used to provide on-going training to providers related to evidence-based practices (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Collaboration with universities used to provide on-going training to providers related to evidence-based practices (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Establishment of research/training institute(s) is used to provide on-going training to providers related the evidence-based services (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Awareness/training is used to promote the adoption of EBPs (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Financial incentives are used to promote the adoption of EBPs (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Specific budget requests are used to promote the adoption of EBPs (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA funds a research center/institute (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

Fiscal supports to EBT adoption

 Incorporation in contracts is used to promote the adoption of EBPs (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA integrated/linked/matched its client datasets with client datasets from any other agencies (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA have initiatives underway to work with other state government agencies to coordinate, reduce, or eliminate barriers between delivery systems and funding streams to the provision of appropriate mental health services (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Internal staff used to provide on-going training to providers related to evidence-based practices (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 Provider-to-provider training used to provide on-going training to providers related to evidence-based practices (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey

 SMHA worked with academia in curriculum development to reflect evidence-based practices, promising practices, or value-based practices (yes/no)

State Profiles Survey