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Table 2 Data extracted at stage four

From: Measuring organizational and individual factors thought to influence the success of quality improvement in primary care: a systematic review of instruments

Data extracted


Instrument development

Methods used to generate items (e.g., items derived from existing instruments; new items generated from data from interviews or comprehensive review of theory)


Methods used to refine instrument

Administration & scoring

Method of administration (e.g., self-administered, facilitated)

Feasibility of administration (e.g., researcher time, resources)

Acceptability to respondents (e.g., views on burden and complexity)

Methods of scoring and analysis

Measurement properties

Methods and findings of assessments of:

Content validity (e.g., clear description of content domain and theoretical basis, expert assessment of items for relevance and comprehensiveness)

Construct validity

- Instrument structure (e.g., using factor analytic methods)

- Hypothesis testing (e.g., whether scores on the instrument converge with measures of theoretically related variables, discriminate between groups, predict relevant outcomes)

Reliability (e.g., internal consistency, stability over time, inter-rater)


Other assessments

Interpretability (potential for ceiling and floor effects; guidance on what constitutes an important change or difference in scale scores)

Generalizability (sampling methods, description of sample, and response rate reported)

  1. 1 Definitions and further explanation of the extracted measurement properties are provided in Additional file 3.